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Fifth Week of school Internship Phase II

The fifth week was the revision time period from 11 to 15th of December. There was observation class in first day by Nitha vahab.  One the second day I made the students revised and all the topic that were taken for the Christmas examination. From 13th December the Christmas examination started and I was given the examination duties for various classes. Christmas examination continued till 21st of December, for which I had examination duties till date.

Fourth Week of School Internship Phase II

The next five days of the fourth week was from December 4th to December 8.  During fifth period on the second day my class was being observed by Shynimol P. On the next day during the third period I got to see an observation class taken by Nitha Vahab. On 7th December again my class was observed by Vishakha Nair. As usual General assembly was conducted on Thursday (7-12-2017). The topics that I completed during the fourth week are as follows: Parallel Connection, Ampere's swimming rule, Right hand thumb rule, Identification of ammonium salt and sulfuric acid.

Third Week of the School Internship Phase II

Third Week of the School Internship program started from 27-11-2017 to 30-11-2017, which only had four days. One the first day I got to see two observation classes, which was taken by Vishakha Nair and Nitha Vahab. On the next day again two observation classes was there taken by Tintu Stephen and Shaleena S. Total of four observation classes were taken by me in the first two days. On the first day itself one of the teacher trainee came to observe my class during the fifth hour. On 28th november two teachers from our college visited the school to observe the classes of their respective teacher trainees. Total of Four topic were taken during the third week, which include Properties of ammonia, Resistor, Arrangements of resistors and series connection. Due to bad weather conditions the classes suspended around 2:30 on Thursday. On the next day was announced a public holiday by the government. 

Second Week of School Internship Phase II

20-11-2017 to 24-11-2017 constituted the second week of the school internship phase II. there was a special presidential assembly in Thursday morning to honor sports talented student Manikandan of 9th standard C division. He aced selection in Chennai FC football tournament with his greatest handwork and strong determination. Even though several other students from the school had already similar achievement, But he was specially honored, as he was coming from children's home. During the afternoon time their was a vegetable garden harvesting them by the teachers and teacher trainees and around 3:30 again a special assembly was conducted by the headmistress and teachers of the school and to reward Manikandan with various gift. Electric current, Ohm's law, Salt, Use of salt and Ammonia are the topic that were taken during the second week. Honoring of Manikandan Vegetable garden harvesting

First week of School internship phase II

First week of the school internship phase 2 started from 13-11-2017 to 17-11-2017. There were total of 10 of us who was there in the second phase of the teaching practice. The most important event during the particular week was the children's day celebration which was on November 14. A special assembly was conducted by the 10th standard C division student and a speech relating Dr.Jawahar lal Neharu was prested by Sreena of the same class. An open quiz program was organized during the assembly and rewards were given to the students who answer for the question that were put up. Topics that were taken during the first week are as follows: Flow of charges, Potential and Potential Difference, Neutralization Reaction, Combination of cells and pH values. Children's day special assembly



First phase of the school internship of our B.Ed curriculum in the academic year 2016-18 was from 15-06-2017 to 19-08-2017. Their wear 11 of us who was doing the teaching practice in SN Trust HSS kollam. I was selected the team leader of the session. I asked to teach under the guidance of Miss Rekha Shaji (physics) and Miss Bindhu mol (chemistry) in 9th standard A division. The topic that I took during the first phase was the structure of atom, Chemical bonding, Forces of fluids and Gravitation. the total of four chapters were taught which include two from physics and two from chemistry. At the end of each month, monthly test was given to the students. which was further being evaluated by me. I was good enough to keep the discipline of the school and active participation in providing the mid day meal. It was during this session reading day celebration, vegetable gardening and independence day celebration took place   Flag hoisting ceremony on august 15 Mid day meal supply


Archimedes principle is being demonstrated to the students through a story line through the Eureka activity. It helps the students to have a clear vision of the concept and from where the world Eureka has been derived.


DIGITAL TEXT Page – 1 Diffusion Page – 2 INDEX SL. NO. CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1. INTRODUCTION 4 2. DEFINITION OF DIFFUSION 5 3. DESCRIPTION ABOUT DIFFUSION 6-7 4. APPLICATION 8 5. WORKED OUT EXERCISE 9 6 APPENDIX 10 7 REFERENCE 11 Page – 3 PREFACE           I develop a simple pack of information’s on Diffusion by the assistance of two videos.  It is very useful to the high school students for studying this topic.  This file can open anyone without any restrictions.  The video representation can be used and lay let a path for future work that requires a more flexible version. Page – 4 INTRODUCTION           The contemporary literature on any topic on Chemistry subject is not enough to teach the students.  They need well proof and also hands own experience.  Here introducing two videos related diffusion.  The video is simple and attractive, so the students can easily understand the concept of diffusion. Pa


MAZHATHULLI-2017 It was during the month of may 4-8 , community living camp 'mazhathilli-2017' in Fathima Memorial Training College was conducted Inaugural Ceremony   Famous Malayalam poet and lyricist, Mr Murukan Kattakada inaugurated the function Chief guest of the function Mr.Suresh Babu, deputy excise commissioner of kollam  Rewarding the chief gust with the memento, by principal 'Paalukkachal' ceremony, Music concert by Jayaram Kalakkod, folk singer Cultural programs of the camp Breakfast time! Inauguration of vegetable garden by Dr.Shine, pro animal husbandry kissan krishi deepam fame Trainees getting engaged in their garden Pro-life exhibition in college auditorium Models of Touch of life Evening cultural program Program by the teacher of FMTC Stunning performance by snake master Sijo with viper Students experiences in the program  Snake master v/s