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Showing posts from June, 2017


DIGITAL TEXT Page – 1 Diffusion Page – 2 INDEX SL. NO. CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1. INTRODUCTION 4 2. DEFINITION OF DIFFUSION 5 3. DESCRIPTION ABOUT DIFFUSION 6-7 4. APPLICATION 8 5. WORKED OUT EXERCISE 9 6 APPENDIX 10 7 REFERENCE 11 Page – 3 PREFACE           I develop a simple pack of information’s on Diffusion by the assistance of two videos.  It is very useful to the high school students for studying this topic.  This file can open anyone without any restrictions.  The video representation can be used and lay let a path for future work that requires a more flexible version. Page – 4 INTRODUCTION           The contemporary literature on any topic on Chemistry subject is not enough to teach the students.  They need well proof and also hands own experience.  Here introducing two videos related diffusion.  The video is simple and attractive, so the students can easily understand the concept of diffusion. Pa