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Showing posts from December, 2017

Fifth Week of school Internship Phase II

The fifth week was the revision time period from 11 to 15th of December. There was observation class in first day by Nitha vahab.  One the second day I made the students revised and all the topic that were taken for the Christmas examination. From 13th December the Christmas examination started and I was given the examination duties for various classes. Christmas examination continued till 21st of December, for which I had examination duties till date.

Fourth Week of School Internship Phase II

The next five days of the fourth week was from December 4th to December 8.  During fifth period on the second day my class was being observed by Shynimol P. On the next day during the third period I got to see an observation class taken by Nitha Vahab. On 7th December again my class was observed by Vishakha Nair. As usual General assembly was conducted on Thursday (7-12-2017). The topics that I completed during the fourth week are as follows: Parallel Connection, Ampere's swimming rule, Right hand thumb rule, Identification of ammonium salt and sulfuric acid.

Third Week of the School Internship Phase II

Third Week of the School Internship program started from 27-11-2017 to 30-11-2017, which only had four days. One the first day I got to see two observation classes, which was taken by Vishakha Nair and Nitha Vahab. On the next day again two observation classes was there taken by Tintu Stephen and Shaleena S. Total of four observation classes were taken by me in the first two days. On the first day itself one of the teacher trainee came to observe my class during the fifth hour. On 28th november two teachers from our college visited the school to observe the classes of their respective teacher trainees. Total of Four topic were taken during the third week, which include Properties of ammonia, Resistor, Arrangements of resistors and series connection. Due to bad weather conditions the classes suspended around 2:30 on Thursday. On the next day was announced a public holiday by the government.