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Showing posts from August, 2016


Freedom in the Mind Faith in the Words Pride in our Soul The “AZAADI-70” - Independence was celebrated with great enthusiasm and respect at Fathima Memorial Training College, Pallimukk, Kollam. As part of ‘Azaadi-70’ we celebrated the ‘Quit India’ on august 9 th in our college. On that day apart from the usual formats of morning assembly, Divya of Natural Science option shared her perspectives and views about the ‘Quit India movements’ and the freedom struggles. She effectively mentioned the necessity of commitments of the current generation towards the country and through her speech she was able to make aware our students about the sacrifice in the freedom struggle and about the needs of nation building. On august 15, ceremony started at 9AM in college open ground with large crowd of staff and students. As the usual format of our every programme, we started with ‘Fathiha’ and prayer song by Rahmath of physical science option and Sruthi of Natural science option respecti